The purpose of today is not to make you sore for the next few days. The purpose of today is movement pattern, getting our bodies primed & working high quality under multiple different circumstances & stimuli. Let's move with purpose & move well.
Front Squat:
5x4: Start at 55% & build by quality
4 sec descent, 2 second hold
SweatFest: 13 Min Amrap:
20 Wall Balls 20/14#
15 Dual DB Box Step Overs 50/35#
50 Double Unders
Strict Work:
15/10 cals Ski Erg
5 strict Pull Ups
Rest :90sec
Core: 4 Sets
Windshield wipers x 10/side(Barbell in hand (bench press position lying on floor)
Plank knee to chest x 20 slow reps
Pallof Press (lying on back) dead bugs x 15 reps right/15 reps left
oh hereeeee we go. i must of chested again
165 on the front squats. You both can suck it.
Erica you’ll be happy to know I got through 4 + 48 Double Unders. I think you’re lying cause there is no way you were that close to me.
Ski was hard. 1300+ , 3/2 on the pull-ups.
Core as an EMOM 🤤
all you finna need to know about the first.. is 4th set was 145 & i was gonna throw 2&1/2s on & i was like don’t be a bitch. so eat my155# raquel.
2nd one got through 4 rounds & 27 dubs. moved decently quick but bitched most the time to kirtley
FS- 115/125/135/145
For the AMRAP: I literally just moved through. Like even stopped for a drink. Contemplated life. The whole shebang.
For the Ski Erg- I stayed in the 1300's & really pushed it
then did like 2 reg pull ups + 3 negatives because death
The core hurt. bye.