Jerk Primer:
Press in split 4x5, focus on proper foot placement, no sacrifice of back position.
Push + Pull:
EMOM X 14:
ODD: 1 Power Clean + 2 Jerks
Even: 8 Deadlifts, same weight as above
Sweat Fest:
12 Min AMRAP:
4 Push Jerks 175/115#
12 Pull Ups
50ft DBall Carry 150/100#
1x200m @ 50%
1x200m @ 85%
4x200m @ 100%
2x400m @ 100%
Same on the power clean and jerks -
135x2, 145x2, 155x3
Workout from yesterday with all the DB Bullshit. Wanted sub 6 🙄 I’ll take 6:10 🙌🏽
Got 5 Strict CTB every set! Good day!
worked up to 155 on power clean + 2 jerks
8 rounds on sweatfest, all pull ups unbroken so was happy with that 🙌
happy thursday OG'S :)